Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Robbers Cave Retreat!

On November 13th 10 of us headed over to Wilburton to go to a youth retreat at Robbers Cave.  We sang a few goofy songs, suffered from some caffine withdraws, and didn't get much sleep, but over all we had a great time getting to know some other kids from around here and we took time to consider how God has TRANSFORMED our lives, and we have to make sure we stick out in this world by NOT conforming to everyone else...

It wasn't the Ramada but it was home... at least for a night or two. 

Since the theme was TRANSFORMERS, we built our own transformer.  But there were 4 different teams that built it.  1 team built an arm and a leg, another team built the other arm and leg, and another the head, and one built the torso.  We didn't know what the other team was building so needless to say it looked a little wierd.  In fact, I didn't even want to take a picture of it... well actually I forgot. 

We also did a little rock climbing at the Robbers Cave... that was fun.  There were no injuries, and for that I was both shocked and thankful.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Jessie!

Happy 94th Birthday Jessie! We had a celebration this morning for one of our young ladies in our congregation. She turned the young age of 94. Just wanted to let you know that we love you and are so lucky to be able to worship with such a lovely Christian woman.

Haywood Tournament Champions

Congratulations to the Stuart Boys 5th & 6th grade for taking home the championship this past weekend at the Haywood Tournament. You guys played great! You are true winners on the inside and outside.

Hope Harbor

A group of kids (5) and Kelley headed to Hope Harbor this past weekend to drop off school supplies. The church here has been collecting supplies for about two months. The kids were more than willing to see them get transported to the right location. Everybody had a ton of fun with a lot of basketball and dodge ball being played as well. We hope that we can go back and see them real soon.