Tuesday, September 11, 2012

On Target

Amazing things happen when you're willing to talk about our creator. Although it may not seem that just mentioning Him, or his Son, or what they mean to you can make much difference; I can attest to you that it does. Several years back I was introduced to someone who is now a good friend but one of the things that fueled our conversations was our faith. Over the years we talked more indepth about our faith. It seemed like providence when he asked me to write a book based off of the things we talked about, which were also things I put in a weekly newsletter. I was excited, and nervous to take on what seemed like an impossible task. Yet with his help our conversations of faith are now available to anyone that has questions about issues of faith. Last week I had my first book published. It's called On Target: Devotions for Modern Life, a collection of devotionals and thought provoking perspectives on spiritual matters. Checkout the link below to take a look, and I encourage you to consider getting a copy for you and use this as a springboard into deeper bible study. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/KBenson http://manyriversharbor.blogspot.com/p/mrh-books-at-online-bookstores.html http://www.lulu.com/shop/kelley-benson/on-target-devotions-for-modern-life/paperback/product-20377201.html http://kelleybenson.blogspot.com

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